Uptimi Podcast : This amazing tool will reinvent financial professions

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At Testamento, we believe that partnerships and constructive exchanges are essential for transforming the insurance sector. With this spirit, our CEO, Virgile Delporte, participated in a podcast on the Uptimi channel, alongside Pierric Aupoil, president of Uptimi and a renowned financial advisor with over 20 years of experience, hosted by Rémy Loneux.

A shared vision for the future of insurance 

Testamento and Uptimi share a common ambition: to make personal insurance and wealth management more accessible and personalized. During this podcast, Virgile Delporte and Pierric Aupoil explored current and future trends in the sector, providing valuable insights into the expectations of modern clients and the importance of personalization and accessibility in insurance services. They also emphasized the strategic role of partnerships with traditional insurance companies to integrate innovative solutions into established systems.

As a partner of Testamento, Uptimi brings together a large number of insurance and wealth management brokers. Each member, dedicated to awareness and asset protection, assists our clients in achieving their life goals through expertise in finance, investment, insurance, savings, and wealth management.

Key highlights from the podcast

  • The transformation of wealth management : Through innovative and tailored tools.
  • Modern technologies : Using artificial intelligence to enhance the efficiency of industry professionals.
  • Adapting digital tools : Tailoring them to the specific needs of wealth management professionals.
  • Simplifying administrative processes : Through the integration of digital tools.
  • Testamento’s tool : Offering an engaging and educational approach to wealth management.

Spotlight on Testamento Solutions

During this discussion, Virgile Delporte had the pleasure of presenting our Pilot solution, designed for financial advisors, brokers, and general insurance agents, as well as the new Pilot solution developed with Uptimi. This solution aims to structure and simplify the discovery of prospects’ and clients’ needs, offering tailored recommendations to meet their specific needs.

Together, Pierric Aupoil and Virgile Delporte explored how this new solution can address the specific needs of clients in personal insurance, while simplifying and making the insurance contract management process more transparent.

Big Thank You to Uptimi 🙏

We warmly thank Rémy Loneux and Pierric Aupoil for hosting us on the Uptimi channel. These collaborations are essential for continuing to innovate and offer solutions that meet the expectations of clients and insurance professionals.

Discover how Testamento and Uptimi are redefining the standards of personal insurance here :