Testamento B2B newsfeed
Learn more about Testamento, our team, our activity and our products.

Allianz France and Testamento launch Beneficiary for a simplified and tailored beneficiary clause management
Allianz France and Testamento have announced the deployment of Beneficiary, a tool designed to assist and optimize beneficiary designation, to over 1800 General Agents and more than 1500 advisors from Allianz Expertise et Conseil. Allianz France is also digitalizing the

Radio Patrimoine : Testamento and the management of beneficiary clauses
In an exchange on Radio Patrimoine, Virgile Delporte, co-founder of Testamento, took the microphone to raise awareness among listeners about a key issue in life insurance : the management of beneficiary clauses. As a guest on the show “Cœur de

MACIF-Testamento partnership : reinventing the Beneficiary Clause
At the INNN 2024 conference, Sonia Quillet, Director of Customer Experience and Innovation at MACIF, and Virgile Delporte, co-founder and CEO of Testamento, reviewed their collaboration between a large corporation and a start-up. Launched in 2018 as part of the

Bonjour Patrimoine Podcast: “Breaking down barriers in investment : solutions developed by a fintech and a wealth manager”
Virgile Delporte, co-founder of Testamento, had the pleasure of joining Philippe Moussaud, Managing Partner and experienced wealth management advisor, on the Bonjour Patrimoine podcast. Together, they explore the main psychological and practical barriers to investment and share concrete solutions to

Testamento and Groupe UNMI announce their partnership for intelligent management of beneficiary clauses
Testamento and Groupe UNMI, the National Interprofessional Mutual Union, are proud to announce a new partnership to make beneficiary designation accessible to all their clients, tailored to each situation, for all their insurance contracts, whether individual or collective. Beneficiary, a

Uptimi Podcast : This amazing tool will reinvent financial professions
At Testamento, we believe that partnerships and constructive exchanges are essential for transforming the insurance sector. With this spirit, our CEO, Virgile Delporte, participated in a podcast on the Uptimi channel, alongside Pierric Aupoil, president of Uptimi and a renowned

TV Morning Show: Testamento reinvents personal insurance
On June 4th, Virgile Delporte, CEO of Testamento, had the pleasure of appearing on the set of the morning TV Show La Matinale by Ficade Group. The show, which includes media outlets such as Profession CGP, Gestion de Fortune, and

GestionDePatrimoine.com choose Testamento
Gestiondepatrimoine.com chooses Testamento to facilitate client discovery from the first contact. The educational content platform gestiondepatrimoine.com created in 2008, and its wealth management consulting firm ‘Bonjour Patrimoine’, are adopting the Testamento solutions. A first concrete step for Testamento in its

Our March 2023 newsletter
Editorial Editorial Hello everyone, here is our March 2023 newsletter. The news of Testamento echoes the News. There is currenlty a lot of talk in France about pension reform and the low employment rate of seniors. Well, at Testamento, seniors

New features for Testamento Optimizer
What is Testamento Optimizer? Testamento Optimizer is our sales support tool designed for distribution networks, which allows advisors to drastically develop the quality and volume of sales in life insurance. New features Testamento Optimizer is a B2B solution. It was

Partnership Testamento La Banque Postale
Launch of Partnership Testamento La Banque Postale On the occasion of the official launch of the partnership with La Banque Postale, Virgile Delporte, co-founder and president and Sylvain Delporte, co-founder and CTO of Testamento answered Stéphane Girardot’s questions. Testamento’s services are

Munich Plug and Play
Testamento at the Munich Summit Virgile Delporte, president and co-founder of Testamento, recently spoke at the Munich Summit of Plug and Play. He shared his thoughts on the changes in family structures. On the complexities and risks in human relationships,

Five questions to Virgile Delporte on beneficiary clause
The French ACPR (Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution) has just published two new sanctions a few weeks apart relating to dormant contracts. At Testamento, we have analyzed the key points of these sanctions. Following our communications (on our

Disinheritance: what obligations for French insurers and mutuals?
Disinheritance: what obligations for French insurers and mutuals? Our analysis based on latest French ACPR sanction.

New version of Testamento Optimizer
Testamento launches new customer discovery experience for life and health insurance sales networks Optimizer, an innovative sales support solution, offers advisors a differentiating approach of personalized and costed diagnosis of customer needs, in 20 minutes, facilitating multi-proposal Initially marketed in

Recruitment of Audric Girard
March 10, 2021 – Press release Testamento announces the recruitment of Audric Girard as head of sales, to accelerate its commercial development. Audric Girard Audric Girard brings more than ten years of experience in banking and insurance (asset management, wealth

5 key points for Testamento in 2020
For Testamento, the year 2020 will have been marked by telework, the industrialization of Testamento Beneficiary, the launch of the Testamento Partner Program, some virtual events and our finalists position for the Tokyo Financial Award. -1- Telework. Testamento has adopted

Ultimate Work Space
While attending Web Summit 2020, I heard a lot of discussions around workforce flexibility. Covid accelerated many trends so I wanted to share my recent experience. Written by Sylvain Delporte, co founder & CTO of Testamento.

Seasons greetings
2020 was a peculiar year. Following the first containment that took place in France, like many structures, we had to adapt and switch to a 100% working from home environment. Despite this context, we were able to continue to exchange

Testamento finalist at the Tokyo Financial Award
Testamento announced as a finalist at the Tokyo Financial Award 2020 and joining the Tokyo Metropolitan Government support program. Testamento will participate in the support program of The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) for the “Financial Innovation” category. Nov. 5, 2020

Particeep and Testamento announce a partnership
A partnership targeted at revolutionizing life-insurance subscription process. Both created in 2013, Testamento, an estate planning platform, and Particeep, which offers turnkey solutions for online subscription to financial services, have just announced the signing of a technology partnership. Banks, mutuals